Mountain Area Gem and Mineral Association
27th Land of the Sky, Gem, Mineral and Fossil Show
The Summer Show!
June 21st - 23rd, 2024

Swannanoa, North Carolina

Photos by: Richard Jacquot, Jessica Fink and Bryce Lafoon

The M.A.G.M.A. Summer gem show has come and gone and it was great! Our shows get better with age, like wine and cheese.

As always, thank you to my gem show partner, Jessica Fink, for all her hard work getting this show out to the public.

Thank you to everyone who came to see us and thanks to those in the vending group who helped us run the show. Claire and Susan working the greeter table, and special thanks to Bill Stine, a true M.A.G.M.A. member who helped us on Sunday evening to wrap things up.

And of course, thank you to the Shriners for hosting our event at their excellent facility.

Damien and Salina

Kathy Collins with her awesome rock art!


Jessica brought in these very nice flowers from her garden for the greeter table.

I got to do a little bee wrestling to get the show sign out and put in place. Bees; 2 good stings, Me: A bunch of dead bees!



Ben Avrunin came by to see us and was representing Graves Mountain with a Graves shirt and wearing a very nice faceted rutile from Graves.

Mark getting educated about something from Jim.

Our awesome greeters, Claire and Susan.

Rock counting contest winners for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Door prize winners.

I haven't decided who will win the 'dry T-Shirt' contest, but I'm leaning towards the one in the middle.

WLOS News 13 came out and filmed some of the show and did an interview with our vendors and our show co-organizer, Jessica Fink.

As always, we had lots of rockhounds and rockcats at the show. These two kitties belong to Shawn and Dawn Healy.

Cherie Sheek and her German Shepard.

Someone said there was a bear running around outside, it turned out it was just Brad's dog!

Dawn and Shawn and Barbara.



Hooker and Hound, Patty Highsmith and company.

Big Don aka; Brim

Jeffrey with more of his cool creations.

Bryan and his nice self collected minerals.


Mark and Carol



Continued on Page 2

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